
Also Known As: Flavoxate, Urispas

Flavoxate is an anticholinergic with antimuscarinic effects. Its muscle relaxant properties may be due to a direct action on the smooth muscle rather than by antagonizing muscarinic receptors.

Flavoxate is used to treat urinary bladder spasms. It is available under the trade name Urispas (Paladin),Genurin (by Recordati, Italy) in Italy and KSA,Uritac by El Saad company in Syria, under the name Bladderon by Nippon Shinyaku of Japan, or Bladuril in Chile.

Flavoxate is indicated for symptomatic relief of interstitial cystitis, dysuria, urgency, nocturia, suprapubic pain, frequency and incontinence as may occur in cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, urethrocystitis/urethrotrigonitis.

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