Bipolar I

Also Known As: Bipolar I, Bipolar 1

Bipolar I disorder is a mood disorder that is characterized by at least one manic or mixed episode. Bipolar I disorder sometimes occurs along with episodes of hypomania or major depression as well.[1] It is a sub-diagnosis of bipolar disorder, and conforms to the classic concept of manic-depressive illness.[2]

The essential feature of bipolar I disorder is a clinical course characterized by the occurrence of one or more manic episodes or mixed episodes (DSM-IV-TR, 2000). Often, individuals have had one or more major depressive episodes.[3] One episode of mania is sufficient enough to make the diagnosis of bipolar disorder, the patient may or may not have history of major depressive disorder.[3] Episodes of substance-induced mood disorder due to the direct effects of a medication, or other somatic treatments for depression, drug abuse, or toxin exposure, or of mood disorder due to a general medical condition need to be excluded before a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder can be made. In addition, the episodes must not be better accounted for byschizoaffective disorder or superimposed on schizophreniaschizophreniform disorderdelusional disorder, or a psychotic disorder not otherwise specified.

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